Texting Cheat Sheet

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There it is right in front of you.


The phone number from the kind of woman you’ve always wanted. The one that has the personality AND the looks. The kind of woman that most guys wish they could be with.


You are looking at your phone, ready to send her a message.

A message that you hope will turn into a date and lead to a night of fun.


What do you say?


How do you keep that connection going?


As you may know, there is a lot riding on the first few messages that you send her.


This book includes 20 texts, with detailed notes on why they work. But first, I’m going to give you a few ground rules on texting.


When we’re done, you’re going to understand texting than most guys out there.


While most guys will continue to send text after pestering text, never getting her out, you’ll know how to easily get her on a first date fast.


I’ll show you cutting-edge texting strategies for sparking attraction and getting her “Turned On” so she will want you BAD.


In short, I’ll give you the text messages I’ve used to land dates and even get women over to my place for a night of fun. And I’ll break each of them down so you can get the same results.


This Book Is For…

1)      Guys that are struggling to get the date after they get the phone number.

2)      Guys that are not sure how to text women they like.

3)      Guys that are getting “Friend zoned” in the texting interaction.

4)      Guys that are looking for that “ONE” special girl or guys that are looking to date around.

5)      Guys that want PROVEN TEXTS THAT WORK and don’t want to waste time trying to figure it out on their own.

















Why I Do This…


I have had many guys tell me after meeting me, “You seem like the guy that’s always been good with women”.


Well, that can’t be further from the truth. Just like most guys, I wasn’t born a “Natural”. I wasn’t the guy in school who was dating the lead cheerleader or dating the prom queen.


In fact, I didn’t know what to do when it came to women.


I will spare you the long embarrassing story but basically, after many years of a frustrating and non-existent dating life, I decided to change.


I wanted the power to date the women that I wanted. I wanted to be able to see a woman I was attracted to and know exactly how to seduce her.


Let’s clear up the word “Seduce” right now…Seducing women is not about tricking, lying, or deceiving them. It is about leading women on a romantic journey that they will appreciate.

So I made a commitment to myself that I would get this dating “thing” handled. I read everything and took every course out there, but do you know what really made the difference? What really worked…


Understanding Sexual Attraction and how women become sexually attracted at an UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL.


I studied everything there was to know about triggering sexual attraction inside the female mind. I became a mad scientist about it.


I approached thousands of women and tried just about every single way to go about it, so I could properly assess what works and what doesn’t work.


I studied the best seducers in history, and specifically the ones that were NOT GOOD LOOKING, to figure out what they did and how they did it.


I even studied female biology to find out what triggers the bonding hormones inside of a woman’s body, so that she feels deeply connected to a man and has to have him on a primal genetic level.


I studied persuasive writing to learn how to get the date in a few words as possible.


I studied seductive language so I could send texts that get her so “Turned On,” she is begging ASAP to see me.


I have sent thousands of text messages, gotten dates with thousands of women, and have tracked it all… FOR YOU.


I went out and dated hundreds of women, just so I could test out my texting strategies. I tested every different type of text you can think of; aggressive ones, nice ones, flirtatious ones, sexual ones, indirect ones, and witty ones. I even tested what days and times are the best for texting.



And well, this book is going to give you 20 of my best CODE CRACKING TEXTS.


So let’s get to it.

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What you will receive is a PDF E-book with guidelines and tactics on how to properly text a woman like a real Man..

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Texting Cheat Sheet

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